Ideal weight 5 6 reddit

Ideal weight 5 6 reddit

That said, don't be too strict with the numbers. I’d say 145-155. 5’9 wrestlers have ranged from 132 all the way to 220. I'm 5'1 or 5'2 on a good day. Everyone is different. Desirable weight according to height in 1959. 260 you'll probably look huge. 6. 75" or at least definitely above 6. my lowest I've ever been in my adult life was 135 and I felt good at that weight, but I'd like to give my future self another 5 lbs of wiggle room. ) Reply reply. I've always used this method for ideal weight at ~10% BF: Height in cm. ~180 lbs. I'm 6'1. Right now, figure out your bodyfat percentage and set a goal bodyfat percentage. I’m 5’8” and my body also seems to like to settle at 155. A good physique for your frame is one that you're happy with. I'm apparently too tall to be a woman because there's no 6'2 scale for females on this chart. I’m 5’2 and 120 lbs. My brother is 5’5” and weighs 143lbs, visible abs and can bench 225lb for sets of 3. Still taking into consideration the average height being around 5'3-5'5. For weight I'd say probably 115 to 165ish lbs. . a FFMI of 25 is generally regarded as the natural max, although genetic outliers have exceeded it. I'd say somewhere around 15% probably looks best, but I can easily see up to 20% or 25% depending on how they carry the fat. I have been seeing a lot of petite women (5'5 and below) on reddit and would just like to know how many of us taller ladies are around. I'm not a bodybuilder by any means. 1. 5 - 134. Depending on how I look and feel I'd want to lose more BF. 5" since it was hard to do exact measurements. My percentage of body fat is 24%. right now people say i look like a “unit” but it’s so hard to stay at this weight, i have to eat 3800+ calories at times because i burn 1000+ active calories almost everyday… & i love going My guess would be 180-190. The higher number is less if you're Asian but I don't know if that's just a cultural thing or a physiological thing. Fat is not muscle, it's just extra energy. at 6'4" I look skinny at 195! The medial establishment has nothing of value to contribute to this discussion (don't even try to consider BMI). 6'2 215 ~~12% on a "cleanish" bulk, gained 10 lbs so far and no body fat just muscle so its working. I’ll admit that even at 130lb I was getting a pot belly. I want to be healthy, but I have no desire to be skinny. Small forwards tend to be the most versatile, and that combination of height and weight solidifies that. In high school as a competitive swimmer and water polo player, at 6'2", I was 185-195. It was kinda wild since I had been 175 for so long so to have the sudden attraction was cool. Here to second this! I'd guess around 1800-2000 a day. iftheycatchyou. excuse the spelling mistakes. I'm female, 5'6" and went from 147 to 132lbs. 6. instead of a giant combo), etc. I’d imagine 5’7” dudes with 3 or so years of proper weight training and diet would be around 150lbs lean. I started out at 120lbs and was the definition of skinny-fat, but now I'm more muscular and happy with my body. 5’5 140 :) i don’t want to be very thin haha. I'm a bit over 5'10" and I think my ideal bball weight would be around 160-165, but there really is no right answer until you get to your desired weight and feel it out. At 6'0" you should definitely be at least 160, cuz I'm like 5'10" and 150 and I'm still pretty skinny/lean and can definitely add more weight. These values apply for a 25 years old 5'6" heigh man. Didn’t try to give advice on if you’re a college novice. 185 when I'm in bicycle mode (commuting and such), 200 when doing heavy manual labor. I wrote this table by the way. 2 x BMI + (3. Ideally as low as possible. Mine was around 6. 5'2" and feel jacked and cute (but still able to eat and drink to maintain without too much work) around 140-145. This calculator will tell you how much you should cut to get there. Kilograms (Kg) Your ideal weight should be between 52. You should aim for 1 to 2 pounds a month. 5lbs) since last year I started a mass cycle this summer so I’m heavier now and hoping to break some some plateaus in Q4 ‘19 by getting stronger. I'm quite happy with being 140lb-ish, actually. 190 is on the underweight side but I know how hard it is for some people to gain weight. 5'9 and 153 lbs. I'm a teacher with a family, 5'7" going to the gym 6 days a week. [ Mouseover to view the metric conversion for this comment ] (#5'3" = 1. Started running as part of a weight loss plan last spring, and I went from 124 to 116 in a couple of months with lower calorie diet, running, and strength training. I find it fascinating those who say there ideal weight is below 200 lbs. Models, actresses, and especially IG models lie about weight stats. I definitely felt that way when I was still at my highest. Next to enough rest/sleep a high protein intake is crucial to success! Height: be shorter than me. And I can attest that 124 ish (averaging water weight) on a 5'7 frame was WAY too skinny. The average woman in S. I showed it to Boris and he gave the approval to post. I'd like to weigh under 150, but that's just so they don't have to go to the 'next slider over' on the scale at the dr office, haha. This is terrible for both sides: women starve themselves, and I’m a 5’5-5’6 male and I’m on the heavier at 150lbs of mostly muscle. 165-170, low bf, good strength/cardio balance is where I'd go. The results of about 6 months intermittent fasting. At that weight I could squat 355lb, pull 385lb and bench 225lb. Nov 27, 2018 · Find your height (inches) in the left-hand column. Reply. There's a term with which I'd like to make you familiar: skinny fat. 320lbs. 8. a 5'5" woman's ideal weight would be 125 lbs). Im a 5’6” female and weigh 140 lbs with a goal to get down to 130 - recomp being most important so while I want to “lose 10lbs”… I’m fine if the number of the scale doesn’t go so low as long as I’m adding muscle and dropping inches. My idea weight range is 55-59 according to these calculations. I'm guessing I'm at 285-290 right now (no scale, but have lost weight 3 other times) Since I've been all over the place I can say between 230-240 is my ideal. I'm 6'0 ft, started at 170lbs in august and just finished my bulk to 200lb two weeks ago. Here to represent the fit shorties on the higher end of the weight spectrum - we exist! Reply reply. Scan upward to the top of the column to find the corresponding BMI number for that height and Literally put the fight tapes next to each other and you’ll realize the pundits on ESPN have really made you believe the hype. Weigh yourself once a week and adjust your calorie intake according to your weight gain. 140, basically you have to find at what weight your body stays on for instance 12% BF naturally. You can also look fat at 125lbs if you have very little muscle and a lot of body fat. 5 pounds. After all, it’s your body. The BMI range is an okay estimation if you’re looking for a starting place, but be open to listening to your body as your weight changes, too. 5 lbs. I'd say 5'9, 185 lbs at 10% would be pretty big. The ideal weight calculator for a large framed 5'6" female is 140 - 159 pounds. The_Fallout_Kid. 6'3" 275lbs American beef reporting in. Our ideal weight (according to websites I've looked at) is between 140-145 lbs. Initially, I went down to 130 and hung out there for a year, then I decided to lose more down to my current 120. 200lbs is huge for a 5’6 woman. 62 kg is also healthy. Personally I'm aiming for around 135-138 to see how my stomach will look like and then I'll eventually bulk. Anything 100kg + usually requires you to be 6’6+ for it not to be a detriment to your looks / performance. I've just been doing a recomp and eating 15%+ over my tdee on workout days and 10%- under my tdee on resting days to lose fat and gain muscle. Im 192cm and I think 84-5kg is perfect for me. However after 13 months of diet and lifestyle adjustments I'm currently at 118 lbs, smack dab in the middle. Ideal not-skinny-as-hell weight: 180. As a 5'3 female, my healthy weight range is between 104-127 per the banner health ideal weight chart. When I was 132 pounds I was around a size 10/12 and wearing L shirts. Currently 135 and 6ft. Arthritic knees really hold me back the past few years. Most overweight 5'5" females say their ideal weight is about 150. The European Heart Journal recently reported that 20 should be the ceiling for BMI, but that's the first study I've seen saying it should be lower than 22. My goal is around 130. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, sir. I'm about 150 5'4" 10%. PS: Is it just me but when shorter persons lose a little weight it shows so easily but with taller persons it doesn From personal experience and being around various tall people from sports, I would say 190 to 240 is probably the healthiest weight for a 6. The answer you'll get depends entirely on your goals. - 100 = ideal weight in kg. Gaining weight is a slow process (unless you want to gain much fat). Having said that, between 20-30% body fat with some muscle. Yeah that’s a goal for me too. Then I read that the ideal weight from this one formula (100 lbs for the first 5' plus 5 lbs per inch above that plus 10% for large frame) would be around 149 pounds for me. I've been 145 and looked sickly before. Your real "ideal weight" is going to depend on how much muscle you want at what bodyfat percentage. At 5'7, 140-160 is your healthy weight. My ideal body weight at that size would be about 220 pounds. Depending on which goal you can move the needle on Strength-to-Weight ratio by getting lighter and/or getting stronger. • 3 yr. Your body weight is a hard question to answer. But I’ve got two kids and my joints are shot so I’m pretty happy with how much weight I’ve lost already. When I was 150 or 155, a lot of girls were interested in me. This is me at 5' 5" 161 lbs. 5 sec slower for 100m) even though my squat/deadlift have more than doubled. Award. My loss from 130 to 120 was deliberately slow, an average of 1 pound per month. Of course this isn't super accurate as muscle mass increases, or depending on body size, but it's the second standard of measure next to bmi. The big question is, are you happy with your current weight. It would obviously depend on height as well just because of the proportions (160lbs at 5'1 looks different than 6 ft and 160lbs). 32 year old female here. here_to_stay669. 52 kg is healthy for a 1. I feel that society and women considerably underestimates the ideal sexually attractive weight for women. Now, rowing and strength training, at 10% body fat, about 245 (I'm above that presently as I've just completed a bulk). Your personal muscle mass will then narrow it down another kg. At 175 I was 13% body fat and pretty ripped. For athletes of powerlifters probably 170-190. If you're going for aesthetics 190 is pretty big. Slipstreme. Which is 100# + 5# for every inch, +/- 10%. May 18, 2011 · From the many wasted hours I've spent roaming bb. Though when in doubt, the best thing that you can do is talk to your doctor about whether you're at a healthy and appropriate weight or not. Respectable lifts for your weight, and balanced. Nov 30, 2023 · Height Moderate weight BMI 19–24 Overweight BMI 25–29 Obesity BMI 30–39 Severe obesity BMI 40+ 4 ft 10 in (58 in) 91–115 lb: 119–138 lb: 143–186 lb Your ideal weight should be between 8 stones and 2. I feel like I set my goal based on science. I’m now same height at 190 and like 15% body fat, significantly more muscle, but also significantly slower (around 1. For slot receivers I would say 5'8" to 6'1" and 175 - 200 pounds. itskim. I think the point of the thread is to find a frame that he would be happy with haha. Shoulders: basic overhead press, incline barbell press, and lateral raises following the scapular plane (up and away from your body at about a 30-45% angle). weight-loss goal on what the ideal weight for my age/gender/height should be. Your weight is entirely dependent on your body composition. 5) The biggest differences between the older equations and the newer equation come in the taller height range. 0 kgs. 5" (no food first thing For 5'6", your ideal weight will be in the range of 115-135 depending on how you're built and how muscular you are (for girls, mostly leg muscle). Depending on muscle mass 250 isn't out of the question. 5 x BMI) x (Height in meters minus 1. I did this so that I could fuel my workouts and retain muscle mass. [deleted] • 8 yr. The average person who is 6'2" and is in good health will weigh between 139 and 185 pounds; however, what is healthy for an individual will depend on factors such as muscle mass and frame size. There's no one weight. Keeping a low weight is somewhat beneficial for rock climbing and that's my main form of excersize, calisthenics is supplement. "Big" is objective. 80-100kg (176-220lbs). It's very interesting how weight and body shape varies so much even with women of the same height. 2kg. it all goes to my neck. Mildly. But I'm faster so take that you skinny little shit! I'm 5'9' and weigh about 162, which I think is a little heavy for me. Many think ideal weight range is too low because our perspective of ideal weight has become so skewed. Based on various formulas, the ideal weight range for a 6'2 male is 167-189 lbs. But I used to weigh around that when I was younger, around 155 at most I 155 - 189 lbs. Steadily gained weight to go along with my DD-214 until I was over 250 (I stopped weighing myself at 250 but know I got bigger, I’m 6’2” for reference). 6'1 195 10%, went from 170-195 in 4 months. And 240, as long as it's a good mix of muscle and fat, is a fine weight. Your 8 kg of junk food added fat. Depends on your goals. I'm 5'7. 5" 175lbs and once I cut to a low enough bf% (probably around 155lbs) I plan to slow (like, over a couple years slow)bulk until I'm back up to around 190, but my goals are purely strength based, not aesthetic. My goal is to be about 150 at 15%. maybe? Im 5'10 and looking to get down to 175lbs. Hell, women’s Olympic weightlifters at your height often run under 170. 7kg while my other is ideal at around 4. I think 145-155 is a fair range for us normal 5'8"-ers, 145 being very very cut and 155 being very very bulky by our standards. Well I got shit the other day but the other equation we use in hospitals is ideal body weight. This chart says I should be taller! Just wear platform shoes. 155 is my preferred weight. I don't consider myself anywhere close to big. At 6' and 10% bodyfat, 190 would be extremely muscular. At 5'1" 114 lbs I am the same size as you are at 132 lbs- size 4 and S in shirts. I know it's been posted on this subreddit before but I can't seem to find it. Widowsfreak. Power to weight does matter on water tho, as does making sure your strength is explosive. I do a bro split style training, but include a lot of compound lifts at low reps. 60m women. Male, 105 lbs for the first 5' then 6 lbs/inch (so 6'4" would be 201; 180 would be about 10% below ideal, but I don't know if that qualifies as "under weight"?) (Female, 100 lbs for first 5' then 5 lbs/inch (so e. . Second of all, women, globally, don't weigh on average 120lbs. PunksPrettyMuchDead. I'm 5'8, 174 lbs at about 15% bf right now. I’m 5’6 and I’m currently 165 - trying to drop 10 pounds. Your imperial units are slightly off for height. 4lbs). But I’m pretty into strength training so I prefer that look, naturally. For height I'd say 5'1 to 6ft. Usually I think the best bet is small framed is the lower 1/3 of bmi, medium framed is the middle 1/3 and large framed is the top 1/3 with an extra 5 lbs being ok. It's up to you. So I’d say for typical 5’6 man around 140-160 is gonna be what you’re shooting for. There’s a good site that shows the average weight at different heights for athletes but I can’t remember what it is but it mostly ranged from 140-160. PF: Kevin Garnett - 6'11'', 253 lbs. Nope. It's in the name, ffs. I'd say 170-180 is pretty good. I'm 6'4 (well more accurately 6'3 and a half but with shoes on I'm 6'4 or so) and I feel that I'm the perfect height. Taken right now. I'm 5'10" and I've heard it thrown around that you'll look skinny at that height until 185ish lbs. 5". So of course dipshit men ignore height and think ALL women should weigh that much. 85-115lbs, I’m currently 120 (was previously 150 😬) and absolutely struggling to lose the last 5 lbs. depends on the cat. When you're short, bulking past the ideal body weight puts you in the overweight zone fairly easily. Started two years ago at 155lbs. If I could be 220 15% I would love that. Im in a very similair position as you at 5'6 and around 65Kg and i understand the struggle man. But this is a bit of a nuanced question as you need to take into account your body composition and lifestyle as well. I'm 5'9 and I'd say once you hit 180+ you'll be considered big with normal standards. 175 I would have a six pack. 6'1" 21 year old male. Those at 130 say 120 (bmi around 20). when i’m 135 i just look too skinny. It's just one study. Anything over 22, and studies are now indicating that health risks start to rise. 0 kgs and 78. Ideal sized outside receivers would be Julio, Megatron, Alshon, and Mike Evans. Weight comes from my upper half, I have a 5'8" arm span. •. ago. I wrote up this in a response to a question on r/bodyweightfitness, and I think it is worth re-posting here since we all are trying to gain to an "ideal" weight. I am 5’8” and weighed 108 lbs years ago (not on purpose - high metabolism). My ideal weight is 115 lbs with some slight tone to my body. In college, mostly cycling, 205-215. I was well defined. I used to think that 160 was very small as well, but you would be surprised once you actually start getting closer to that weight. 7kg - 74. I'm also naturally curvy and hourglass shaped, so I think anywhere from 115-135 suits me. For example one of my cats is ideal at 2. Using the Eric Helms FFMI, at 170 and 9% body fat, your FFMI would be 23. I've been 180-210 at 6'4", fit at both ends. I'm 5'6", 145 lbs, prob around 8-10% body fat and I'm pretty happy with it. Ideal height is probably around 6'0" to 6'1". TLDR: if you’re a novice in HS, 95 kg at 6’1 is probably a little much, but also don’t worry about it too much and focus on technique and cardio. 6 m 7 inches = 17. I’m 5’4” and was 128lbs at my leanest. I'm 5'2 and weigh 140 lbs. I did my body frame measure (wrist measurement and elbow measurement) and I have a large frame. BMI is a good way to set weight for 95% of people. This thread is making me feel sane. 155. If I could stay this weight but move most of the body fat to muscle that'd be ideal. A 24 year old, 5’6. I’m also medium framed. The one time I was 212 I looked emaciated and had lost a great deal of muscle. com and the teen section (specifically), it seems that around 180-210 is the ideal weight for most people (even if you're 5'6", be a manlet). I was 6’2 at 165 and around 7% body fat in my sprinting prime. If, and I emphasis IF, you stick to just BMI, an ideal (normal) BMI is 18. In numerical terms: It seems women think the „ideal sexy“ BMI is at the lower limit of healthy weight, 19, when in fact it's towards the upper range of healthy weight, 22-25. Scan across the row to find your weight (pounds). I'm 45 years old, 5'5", very small-boned and weigh 145lbs, with 109lbs of that as lean body mass and 35lbs as body fat. For me, 145-150 is likely to be the healthiest for me. When I tell people this they say “That’s crazy, you’ll be fat!”. It's always so depressing when they start at the 100 one and then keep inching up, up, up before going to 150 haha. It's kind of a wide range but height isn't something I care that much about unless it's extreme. That being said, these BMI charts don't really account for muscle, so you might be ripped 10-20lbs above what it recommends. Anywhere from 120 lbs to 160 lbs can work perfectly fine. I'm not sure if I'm over thinking it. 4. Slim, but I still look like I have a little meat on my bones. 130 is my goal because medically 130lbs is considered the ideal body weight for being a 5’6 female. For example, I’m 161 cm. 9 lbs, Hamwi (1964) 107. There’s no specific weight that’ll feel good for everyone even if they’re the same height. Yet, I wasn't big. 6-2. It depends on what type of fitness you want, cardio/endurance or muscled strength. I was scary lean, and definitely lost muscle mass. Goal weights are something that you adjust along the way until you zero in to what you like. 5” man like myself is told that he needs to be about 144lb. Darkpoetx. Weight: almost a worthless ‘stat’ as 2 women can both be 5’3 140lbs and can look completely different from each other. According to BMI charts - my ideal weight range (as a 5'6" female) is 130 - 147 lbs. 5'6", 185-200lbs is ideal for me. Tall to most women, but in the normal range for clothes, cars, etc. 2. Also, the ideal for women is the same as for men when using BMI, and the new Personally, I’m about 6’2”, and I weigh about 215 lbs. It shows for example the average weight of an Olympic lifter at your height as well as a body builder or marathon runner. I'm 6'3" SW was approx. Ok_Image6174. 8 cm Post feedback in r/ToMetric ") Having been over 200lbs my entire adult life, my goal is 150. You can be 125lbs and be very lean with abs and very low body fat and tons of muscle. 5'2" 146lbs. I'm apparently supposed to be so tall, I'm not even on the list. :) Body compositions are different for everyone! I’m 160cm on the dot (5’2. it’s better to use the body condition score to determine if your cat is at an ideal weight. It’s great if you can do the job while carrying all that muscle, but odds are you won’t be able to. Although digital scales make that easier now. My job is pretty active though. Those findings: Robinson (1983) 113. Like you though I think I would prefer 140-145. is the idea weight range for a male 5'11" according to the charts. 164lbs is where a 5'8" person hits a BMI of 25, which is the medical definition of "overweight". Far_Variation_6516. The answer for you is in the mirror - add weight until you like what you see. - Kevin Garnett is actually taller than 6'11 but he's still physically perfect for the position, he's long and quick which is essential to defend off the switch but tall and big enough to bang around inside. Weight is a number, focus on how you feel and wether you can live the life you want. No. pinkbunny86. 5-22. For instance, I'm 5'0" and "healthy" is anything between 98-123lbs with a median of 110; however, with a medium-to-large frame, I end up looking freaky Jul 26, 2022 · Weight in pounds = 5 x BMI + (BMI divided by 5) x (Height in inches minus 60) Weight in kilograms = 2. My current weight used to be my goal, but I still feel small. Then normal girls lie and claim to be 110 at any height so they don’t seem fat. Pick a weight that lets you come close failure at 15 reps each. 90-95KG lean would be excellent for 6’5. Im 5'6 175 pounds but mostly muscle lil chub on the stomach probably where that 3-5 pounds come from but upper body and legs are muscle. Somewhere out there, there is a website that shows you your ideal body weight for certain goals based on your height. 9 which translates into 111 to 150 lbs for a 5'5" female. I'm definitely one of the smaller guys at my gym. Is there a way to find out a healthy weight for my level of fitness? All I can find is BMI and that is only based on height and weight. currently 5’5, 155lbs, i went from 130 lbs to 155lbs easily, probably in a month or a little bit more (purposely) but i plan on cutting down to 145 at least. Seen everything. 6 lbs, Miller (1983) 121. The great J Robinson once said you can be in the top 10% of anything you do if you’re willing to put in the work to do so. Size 4-6 on me. 4kg Thanks for the information, but I’m just curious, why would you cut from 190 to 160 while most answers saying idea weight for 5’10 is about 175-190. You’re welcome. I’m trying to slim down to about 195-200, so somewhere around 180 lbs. 5’8 maybe 15 more pounds is a nice middle ground so 140ish. Currently 140, my ideal is 128-130. Mike Tyson, Joe Frazier, Tommy Morrison proved height doesn't matter for a HW. 3. Based on elite athletes competing over 100-400 meter distances, you should weigh in the 180-200 pound range. 6lbs - 164. Im 5’11 170-175 and have recently cut down from 186. g. Once you're in that range, you can re-evaluate to determine what looks best for you. The average ideal weight should be 10 stones and 1 pound. 6 lbs, Devine (1974) 107. I'm 5'7" and many websites claim my ideal weight is between 144 - 147 pounds. The most optimal weight would probably be somewhere between 180-200 lbs. This online ideal weight calculator supposedly uses multiple established formulas to give you an idea of how much you should weigh. Go get them gains, keep kickin ass. At 5’ 8” /171cm and starting weight 158-160lbs (a low of 153. A pretty significant difference. 7kg (155. 6 pounds and 12 stones and 5. I'm technically 5'4. I'm a pear shape which means my legs still feel too large but my chest already looks bony at this weight. and Also, nobody is going to ever say “you need to gain weight to be faster. Because the amount of muscle mass they have underneath can vary greatly, it is hard to say a particular weight that would look the best. I think 190s at a low bf is my long term goal. 7 kgs. Ideal running weight: 165 lb. 8 cm "5'3" = 1. I thought 175 would be good for me. First of all, as you know normal weight distribution is based on your height along with your gender and age. 118 lbs. At 150, they say 130 (bmi around 22). There is no such thing as ideal weight. I swear to god so many people claim to be 6'+ and look huge at 185, I'm pretty sure they're just height frauding now because I don't even look big at 6'1 200. Another 2 or 3 should see me to my ideal weight 😅 106kg - 80. If I gain a merely 10 pounds over 150, my mid body protrudes and I look like an obese, BMI sky rockets and I leave biometric screenings feeling like my life is on the Many of us had to lose weight in fat and then REGAIN weight to be our ideal size and shape (since muscle weighs more and takes up less space)- I'm 5"7 and prolly around 145-160 (dunno bc I stopped looking but higher rather than lower) but my hip fluctuates between 40-41 now (leg day pump) and my waist is anywhere from 24. 160 with 10-12% bf was where I personally felt I had the best balance between aesthetics, strength, and cardiovascular ability. ashtree35. I started at 235 and that seemed insurmountable at the time. You can get an idea what women of various shapes and sizes look like at mybodygallery . I'm aiming roughly for a BMI of 20-22 but I'm more focused on lowering bodyfat and building muscle. I think somewhere between 180 and 200 is a decent weight at 10 to 12% body fat. 160, my goal weight is 140 Slowly making progress. So actually you're already in that ideal range. Depends on your aesthetic/athletic goals. At 160 you and lean you would be huge though, think Jeff Nippard build. Cut out booze (I’m an alcoholic so that was a good call regardless), fast food (completely for awhile, I’ll get it now but get like a Whopper Jr. Korea, for example, weighs 124lbs while the average American woman weighs 170lbs. The last 10 lbs just might be what it'll take for you to lose the stomach. Ideal weight would probably be max 140. 5-24. I am 5'7, female , and similar age, 2 years ago I did a fitness competition and was stage ready at 120-127 (depending on water weight and glycogen storage). I think this just shows how arbitrary goal weights are! Reply reply. ”. Age: 33 Height: 5'7. 6 lbs, Healthy BMI Range: 99. Also depends on your body type. I'm a 5'9 male as well. I'm 5'6, 145 at around 25% body fat. I have researched and based my 100 lb. Your BMI should be at the low end for your height, 18. 99 so pretty much 5’3), but I feel good at 125-120lbs. 5" Weight: 223 lbs S/B/D: ~500 / 490 / ~500 Bodyfat: 20% ish All my ladies 5'6-5'7! I am new to this all, and would like to now your weight loss journeys. 17 foot, 650 pounds. For outside receivers I would say 5'11" - 6'4" between 185 - 230 pounds. At 205 I have plenty of muscle but my stomach doesnt look great. 5' person depending on build. The "ideal" weight for your height. Wrestling is a sport where discipline and hard work become a great equalizer. So, I'll use myself as an example. Prolly close to 200lbs is ideal. The average ideal weight should be 64. I'm 5ft8 and my ideal weight is 75kg, although I'm more focused on lowering my body fat to around 21 - 23%. According to Martin Berkhan's formula, your max body weight at 5-6% percent body fat would be 70. Every lb of muscle you gain will require that much more force production in your sprint- that’s why how you train is so important. • 7 yr. its late and I'm on my phone. I'm 5'7 150, I'd like to get to 170 then cut to 160 that'd be ideal for me personally. asuwere. I do dumbbell strength training 4 or 5 times a week, I'm not at the gym lifting huge weights or anything. Reply reply. Ideal slot guys would be Edelman, Welker, Amendola, and Cole Beasley. 6'2 235ish working on going to 250 then I'm cutting. Thanks dude. I don't do sports/lifting for a living and therefore will never be 170 and shredded. Andy ‘El Gran Campeón Mexicano’ Ruiz has the best dimensions for heavyweight. • 5 yr. qf us ko xq rk fp ly bs ok tz